For Patients With IgA Nephropathy, the Burden Can Be Significant1,2

Patient portrayal.
- Patients may struggle emotionally with the uncertainty of outcomes and the potential for progression to kidney failure3,4
- Physically, some patients may struggle daily with disease symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, edema, insomnia, and hypertension. Some may continue to be at risk for disease progression, defined by persistent proteinuria >1 g/day, despite being on optimized supportive care1,2
- Supportive care and steroids may reduce immediate symptoms but may cause challenging side effects that can make day-to-day life challenging1
Hear from real patients living with IgA nephropathy5
Can better understanding each patient’s disease provide insights into their day-to-day experience?
IgAN, immunoglobulin A nephropathy.
References: 1. Rovin BH, Adler SG, Barratt J, et al; Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Glomerular Diseases Work Group. KDIGO 2021 clinical practice guideline for the management of glomerular diseases. Kidney Int. 2021;100(suppl 4):S1-S276. doi:10.1016/j.kint.2021.05.021 2. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. IgA nephropathy. National Institutes of Health: 2015. Accessed April 11, 2023. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/iga-nephropathy 3. Lafayette RA, Kelepouris E. lmmunoglobulin A nephropathy: advances in understanding of pathogenesis and treatment. Am J Nephrol. 2018;47(suppl 1):43-52. doi:10.1159/000481636 4. Carter SA, Gutman T, Logeman C, et al. Identifying outcomes important to patients with glomerular disease and their caregivers. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020;15(5):673-684. doi:10.2215/CJN.13101019 5. Feldman DL, White EM, Julian B, et al. The Voice of the Patient: Externally Led Patient-focused Drug Development Meeting on IgA Nephropathy. National Kidney Foundation; 2020.
References: 1. Rovin BH, Adler SG, Barratt J, et al; Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Glomerular Diseases Work Group. KDIGO 2021 clinical practice guideline for the management of glomerular diseases. Kidney Int. 2021;100(suppl 4):S1-S276. doi:10.1016/j.kint.2021.05.021 2. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. IgA nephropathy. National Institutes of Health: 2015. Accessed April 11, 2023. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/iga-nephropathy 3. Lafayette RA, Kelepouris E. lmmunoglobulin A nephropathy: advances in understanding of pathogenesis and treatment. Am J Nephrol. 2018;47(suppl 1):43-52. doi:10.1159/000481636 4. Carter SA, Gutman T, Logeman C, et al. Identifying outcomes important to patients with glomerular disease and their caregivers. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020;15(5):673-684. doi:10.2215/CJN.13101019 5. Feldman DL, White EM, Julian B, et al. The Voice of the Patient: Externally Led Patient-focused Drug Development Meeting on IgA Nephropathy. National Kidney Foundation; 2020.